Wednesday, June 3, 2009

3 Years

Today marks the 3rd anniversary of the best day of my life. Three years ago today, I married my best friend.

Adam has been the most amazing husband. We started dating in high school and I remember thinking that it was too good to be true. I knew I'd do something to mess it up or he'd find out how dumb I really was, and he'd break up with me. Every other relationship I'd had had ended with a break up...and who finds their soul mate in high school anyway? But then one month turned into a year and a year turned into 4 years. We were closer than ever and inseparable. We went through 2 years of long distance dating while I was up at K-State and he was at WSU. We took turns making the two hour drive every weekend to see each other. Finally, during my sophomore year at K-State, after 4 1/2 years, he proposed.

We were married a little over a year later and haven't looked back. I have no doubt in my mind that I found my perfect match. He's everything I need him to be, and especially through this most recent storm that we are enduring, I would be nothing without him. Words can't describe the support and encouragement he's been while I've been trying to deal with this. I know sometimes these things can drive couples apart, but it's helped us to be closer. Maybe that's the what we were supposed to get out of our loss. I'm so much more in love with him now than I was even on our wedding day!

Thanks for the best 3 years of my life, Adam. I love you!

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