Sunday, November 30, 2008


Oh, blog will never cease to entice me into your little game. What is it about blog tag that I can't resist? I don't know, but I will always and forever join in on the fun.

What is blog tag? Well, it seems to be a little different every time I get tagged. This time, the tagger was ericamay photography out of Kansas City. We know a lot of the same people, but I don't think we've ever met. We should change that someday, Erica! Back to the task at hand (Adam says I'm easily distracted). Blog tag rules:

- link to the person who tagged you. (check)
- post the rules on your blog. (check)
- write 6 random things about yourself. (check, see below)
- tag 6 people at the end of your post. (check, see below)
- let each person know he/she has been tagged. (I'm not gonna do's a test to see if you all really read my blog or if you're just pretending to)
- let the tagger know when your entry is up. (check)

Six random things:
1.) I really enjoy corner brownies best because of the crunchy edges. I've heard they make a special pan for people like me that resembles a maze so all the edges are crunchy. May have to invest in that.
2.) I've never eaten at PF Chang's. (gasp!)
3.) I can pull my left thumb all the way backwards to touch it to my wrist. You should all try it and let me know if there are any other freaks out there like me. None of this pulling it forward to touch the inside of your wrist business. Touch the back side of your wrist. How did I discover this little trick, I'll never know.
4.) I'm an obsessive list-maker. Discovering the Stickies program on my Mac was like Christmas morn. Thanks, Liz!
5.) I'm in love with Dave Barnes and Incubus.
6.) I'm already an old lady: my knees crack every time I bend down, my back is very weak (which sucks when you're trying to do an ab workout), I have a wrinkle on my forehead, and in high school I was convinced I had arthritis because all the joints in my body ached for a month! AND I have boring hobbies like reading and doing puzzles.

And the people I'm tagging are Lindsey Penney, Audra Shelite, Natalie Stegman, Ginger Skillen, Jessica Lindsey, and Lauren Clark. Some of those are password protected, so you may not be able to visit them, but I don't have a bajillion friends with blogs, so those are them!


Anonymous said...

fun random facts! :) it's always fun "tagging" people to just never know who's going to do it. :) thanks for playing along!

...and we should meet up at PF Chang's! :)

Jess said...

I did it!