Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Movin' On Up...the BIG Announcement

Well, here it is…big announcement day! Drum roll……

We’re moving up in the world to make our little photography business bigger and better than we ever imagined. Gina Dreher Photography is joining forces with Lindsey Penney of Gingeroot Photography to form the amazing and delightful Gingeroot Studios! I will be moving into the studio space downtown on Dec. 1 and will begin meeting with clients there immediately. You all have to come see me at this amazing place – it blew me away the first time I saw it!

For most of you, this change won’t mean much. You’ll still have the same ol’ us as your wedding photographers and the same things included in your packages. You’ll just be meeting me somewhere other than my living room. :) But for me, it will mean a lot of things. One thing I’m really excited about is that I’m going to be THE wedding photographer of Gingeroot. I will get to focus just on this area, which is what I’m so passionate about. I will still accept a few families and seniors (if you’ve already won a special place in my heart…and maybe a few others…) but for the most part, I will just be doing weddings. The wonderful and talented Lindsey will be the portraits side of our venture. Be sure to check out her website at www.gingerootphoto.com. Soon, that will be my website too, though we hope to build a brand spanking new one as quickly as we can.

I never dreamed that such a great opportunity like this would happen for us. We have so much more potential to go awesome places now. It just goes to show that God has better plans for us that we can ever imagine.

Congratulations, applause, flowers, candy, and small gifts will be accepted. Thanks. :)

Have a fantastic Thanksgiving, eat LOTS of turkey!


Jess said...

Yay!!! It's sooooo amazing! You two are going to make an awesome pairing. I'm so proud of you and I'm so excited for you to be experiencing such an awesome new adventure!

Love you very much and I'm so proud to be able to that I not only know you, but that I'm related to you!!!

Jess said...

Yay!!! It's sooooo amazing! You two are going to make an awesome pairing. I'm so proud of you and I'm so excited for you to be experiencing such an awesome new adventure!

Love you very much and I'm so proud to be able to that I not only know you, but that I'm related to you!!!

A.C. Williams said...

Gina! That's AWESOME! I'm so excited for you!

A.C. Williams said...

Gina! That's so AWESOME! I'm so excited for you!

Anna Kristina said...

This is so exciting! Where should I e-mail you at... I think we're FINALLY close to picking our wedding prints from the package... and I had some questions about pricing...

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh congrats!!! How cool! I've followed both you and Lindsey's work for quite a while now. You're both incredible photographers, and it sounds like God's got some big plans for both of you!