Monday, November 3, 2008


I'm sure most of you out there will think I'm crazy, but you just have to go to the blog that's linked below and read today's post. This is a pet photographer's blog that I've been following for some time now, and her post today almost made me cry! She has been running a contest where people can enter themselves, their dog, and their story and win a free photo shoot. I definitely entered my boys, but our story isn't nearly as heart wrenching as the winners. If you're a softie for dogs like me, check her blog out and be sure to go back every day and read the latest...she does great work and has the funniest sense of humor!

Erin Vey's Blog

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love Erin Vey! I can't get over how wonderful her dog portraits are. I've been anticipating the winning entries! :)