Monday, March 30, 2009

The Crazy Weekend.

Well. That weekend didn't go as expected. I left for KC Friday morning to try to beat the storm, but I got to Cassoday (about an hour away from Wichita) and got freaked out by the ice that was everywhere, so I turned around and came home.

Adam drove me up there Saturday evening, and we arrived a little before 9. Rachael and I saw Phantom of the Opera last night (while our hubbys played chess and video games...) and it was really good! It was fun to see a live show after watching the movie so many times. After that, Adam and I packed up and drove home so he could be at work this morning...we got home at 2am! I'm a little tired. So a whirlwind but fun trip! And bad news...I couldn't find my point-and-shoot camera before we left, and Rachael's was broken, so no pictures!

I have lots of upcoming sessions though, so be checking back soon!

As for my favorite musical. The only people who guessed were the people I said couldn't guess! So you all failed that contest, and I'll give you the answer as a freebie: Chicago. Do better next time. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So good to finally meet you in person! :) Come back soon. The next time I'm in Wichita, I want to come see your new studio! :)