Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A New Obsession

Friday night, some friends and I got together for a bead party. We all went to Hobby Lobby and spent like an hour in the bead aisles, it's pretty interesting how different our tastes are, we all got different stuff. Then we went back to Val's house (the same Val from the post about Watermark) and beaded for several hours. Audra's husband had asked her how long she was going to be beading, and she replied, "Til death." Haha. Anyway, I'm now really into it, and I stopped at Walmart today to restock my bead supply. It's pretty exciting stuff. Here are some photos of the few things I've made so far. I'm taking catalog pictures of jewelry for a local vendor next week, so I thought I should practice.

My bead box.
It's fun stuff, and inexpensive compared to a lot of hobbies you could have. Too bad I started doing this right in the middle of my busy wedding season!!

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