Monday, April 7, 2008

Tonn Family, Take 2

This afternoon I photographed the Tonn family at Botanica. I had taken their pictures last May, and was amazed by how much the two kiddos had grown! They loved just running around, and they made sure that their shoes made a lot of noise. :) At one point, little Manny lost his shoe, and so I helped him put it back on. That was all it took for him to warm up to me - he kept saying "Thank you, Gina." His dad said to chalk the flirting up to his Latin background. He also told me a lot about his vacuum cleaner. Luckily all the impending weather held out, and the overcast skies were perfect for our session! Here are my favorites.

1 comment:

Becky said...

oh my goodness those kids are so freaking cute. love the pics as always gina!