Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Hello?! Anyone still reading this blog? Sorry for the lack of new stuff lately. There's been a lot going on, just not a lot of picture-taking. So this post is dedicated to updating you all on my life. First, I wanted to post a picture, and since this is one of few pictures I've taken recently....

That's my mangled Jeep. She's been in yet another wreck. BEFORE all this ice. Yesterday morning on my way to the studio, a truck ran a red light in front of me right as I was going through the intersection and I couldn't stop in time and hit him. Teaches me to have a workplace that requires ANY commuting. It could've been a lot worse, so I'm thankful for that, but any sort of car accident sure ruins your life for awhile.

Update number two. I had the FLU this weekend. I never get sick! It was disgusting and horrible. I'm glad it only lasted a day and was on a day I had no weddings. Let's pray that never happens again. I'm trying to continue my lingering lack of appetite as long as I can in hopes of losing a couple holiday pounds. We'll see how that goes. Yesterday's menu: cheese and Sprite. Todays? Lunchmeat and baby carrots.

Number three. As I said, I've been doing a lot, just not a lot of picture taking. It seems this is the time for everyone to give me their list of favorite photos for their albums. I have stacks of album designing to do, and I continue to chip away at it, but I keep getting more. I love album designing, so it's great for me, but just wanted to post a bulletin that it may take awhile for me to get back to you with your layouts.

Number four. Soon (hopefully), I will be designing my own wedding album! When did GINA get married, you ask? Two and a half years ago. And I still have not made my own wedding album. Appalling, I know. Once I finally get to it, I'll put some of the photos/layouts on here so you can see what a handsome man I married. :)

Number five. I'm working on editing the last wedding I photographed and since it's taken me a little while, I'm going to do another blog post in honor of Monica and Jeremy. I apologize it's taken so long! I haven't forgotten about you! Your wedding was AWESOME!

That's all for now, folks. Have a great week, and try not to get in a wreck or get the flu. :)

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