Sunday, July 13, 2008

Danny & Aeneva - 7.12.08

Yesterday Adam and I photographed Danny and Aeneva's wedding at Central Community Church here in Wichita. This day had been a long time coming - they've been together for seven years! The wedding was beautiful, Aeneva is part Pakistani, so they incorporated that into the ceremony, food, and dance music. While it rained on and off, we were able to sneak outside in between the showers to take some photos by the small pond at the church. Congratulations, you two! Here are my favorites from the day.


Mark said...

Have I told you how impressed I am? WOW! You are so creative. I just might have to take some lessons from you!

Gina Dreher said...

Thanks Mark! By the way, I've been meaning to attend another meeting...they just always slip my mind!

Unknown said...

Gina - Awesome pictures!!!! Looking forward to working with you again. -Judy Handley