Monday, March 3, 2008


This morning I took photos of my niece, Breegan, and then as you'll see, I also tried (unsuccessfully) to get photos the older kids, Aubrynn and Corbin. Breegan is almost 4 months old already! Seems like just yesterday I was trying to help Jessica come up with baby names. Here are some of my favorites:

She just thinks her mommy is so hilarious:

All the kids' feet. It was a miracle that I got this photo, let me tell ya. :)

And here started the fighting. I felt kinda bad because while Jessica was trying to calm the kids down (all three were screaming), I was laughing because I was looking through the photos I'd taken of them fighting, and they were so funny! I love these three to death, but they sure are ornery. Check em out:

Yay for my cuties!

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