Sunday, February 3, 2008

Headshots of ME

I've needed headshots for my website for awhile, and I've just been putting off having them taken. I've never had any done before - the ones of me that are on my website now were taken by my BFF Rachael with her point and shoot during her little sister's senior session. Not that they're bad - you did a great job Rachael! But, you know. :)

So today after church, Adam and I headed to the park. He's a great photographer, but has no experience posing, so I had to pose myself, and let me tell you - that's a hard thing to do! I had no idea how it looked and it was just awkward. I also realized (but I think I already knew this) that I don't like being on that end of the camera! Anyway, we got a few that I'm moderately happy with, so I'm posting them. Let me know which one's y'all like. I can't decide if I should put one of these on my website or if I should put one of Adam and I together since he's now my official second shooter at weddings. Any opinions would be appreciated!

We found this little guy along the way, so Adam snapped a photo. He didn't even have a closeup lens on, he was actually this close to the squirrel! They're so tame at the park, it's crazy.

Thanks so much for taking these hon, you did a grrrrreat job! ;)


Anonymous said...

I love all of them! Great job adam! (and gina for posing yourself :)

Anonymous said...

I really like all of them but the second to last one is my favorite!!

Anonymous said...

Those were grrrreat pics!!!! that thing eating that acorn is my favorite. Congrats