Wednesday, October 15, 2008

How it all started...

These are some photos I dug out recently from my photography class at K-State in early 2005. It was during this class that I started working for Marcia, and then soon after that that I started my own business. And these aren't even Gina Dreher originals, they're Gina Funk originals! This was pre-wedded bliss to the love of my life.

Our first assignment was the alphabet. The shoelaces make a Q.

My roommate Jamie had a dog (illegally) that lived with us in our townhouse sophomore year. This is Berkeley.
Don't recall the assignment on this one, but these are my parents dogs, Rory and Annie.
Action shot, Rory catching a tennis ball.
I love the last comment on this grade card, apparently I loved animals even then, before I had any of my own:

This one just makes me laugh. Recognize her? That's Rachael, who just got married!

And of course I made Adam pose for me as well.
Motion blur.

Always on his bike.

Not real sure, I developed this with high contrast, so maybe that was the assignment. It was taken at one of our softball games. Jamie (roommate) on the left, Audra (my first ever bride!) on the right. Audra's also having a baby in about a month.
I made my roomies Rachael and Jamie help me haul out our living room couch to the courtyard by our townhouse under this streetlamp. Berkeley came too.
Self portraits, double negative.

Normal self portrait.
This was the assignment that started my love for photography. My roommate Jamie and I went out for some random fashion-type photos, we rolled up some paper to use as a cigarette, and I put her in strange situations...this was supposed to be her stealing a wet floor sign in the Union. can't see the "cigarette" in her hand, but she had one, and with the No Smoking sign, we thought it was hilarious.

Giving directions to... no one? That's my old Chrysler Sebring LXi. See the oxidation on the roof? Aww, I loved that car.

Dark alley in Aggieville.

Once again, check out the last comment on that grade card. "You have a pretty good eye for composition, but don't forget to come to class!" Haha.

My teacher told me to expand on that same idea for my next project. His name was Adam, so he was a pretty good guy. Here we are pumping gas. We went through a whole mess trying to explain to the clerk that we were going to take the nozzle off the hook, but weren't actually going to pump any gas.

Grocery shopping? I think there was a golf club in the cart, but you can't see it.

How fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I liked seeing your class assignments. I had some of the same in my photography class in college, and I wish I would have gotten more serious about photography. I laughed a little at your self-portrait b/c even though it's Gina, I think there >is< something that happened when you became Gina Dreher. You got yourself all married and grown up. :)