Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Last night, we did an experimental photo shoot with my friend Natalie as our model. There were three of us photographers - Audra, Molly, and I, and we just wanted to do a fun, no-pressure shoot where we could try some different things out. Natalie came over early to do her makeup and hair, and she had this amazing dress that fit her perfectly that she got from a thrift store! She also got a fur coat from a friend, and it was perfect for the feel of our photos. Natalie's leaving for Spain in two weeks and will be there for a year! I'm gonna miss you, Natalie! Here are a few teasers...I'll post more later, so check back. I have photos that will last most of the afternoon today, but had to at least get a few up here before I left.

This was all her idea...weirdo.

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