Friday, October 31, 2008


Last night I took Melanie's senior pictures. It was a great session - Melanie brought a ton of props, things from her life (including her bestie, Cassandra) to make her session very personalized. We started out at her church where she sings in the youth group, and even took some in the church parking lot! Then we went to a park, to her house to see her kitty Albert, and over to New Market Square to finish up. We were racing the setting sun there at the end, but I think we got everything we needed to get! :) Here are a few of my favorites.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Natalie, Part 2

Here are some more from last night's shoot!

Her idea:

We tried some off-camera lighting. Turned out okay.

Behind the scenes. 9 month pregnant Audra holding the flash. :)


Last night, we did an experimental photo shoot with my friend Natalie as our model. There were three of us photographers - Audra, Molly, and I, and we just wanted to do a fun, no-pressure shoot where we could try some different things out. Natalie came over early to do her makeup and hair, and she had this amazing dress that fit her perfectly that she got from a thrift store! She also got a fur coat from a friend, and it was perfect for the feel of our photos. Natalie's leaving for Spain in two weeks and will be there for a year! I'm gonna miss you, Natalie! Here are a few teasers...I'll post more later, so check back. I have photos that will last most of the afternoon today, but had to at least get a few up here before I left.

This was all her idea...weirdo.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tonn Family

Yesterday evening, I photographed the Tonn family. They are the nicest people. This is the third time I've taken their family pictures, and I'm amazed each time I see them at how much the kiddos have grown! Deanene has always wanted photos of her family in the fall leaves, and while the trees hadn't changed quite as much as I would've liked, I think we still captured the autumn vibe. The kids were funny...saying "Cheese, cheese...!" and looking everywhere EXCEPT my camera! :) Everyone was singing Veggie Tales songs to stay in a good mood, and I think we got some great photos! Here are the faves.